

ML models to predict cell states in response to cell-cell signaling (Master’s thesis)

Experimenting with VAEs and scRNAseq models like scVI and scANVI to predict stem cell responses to various chemical signals (genes), which can then reveal which signaling state the cell is in, and thus which cell type it may become. This project is dubbed “Intracellular Response for Inferring Signaling State (IRIS)”.


Fall 2024

  • 6.5940 – TinyML and Efficient Deep Learning Computing (Grad)
  • 18.600 – Probability and Random Variables

Only taking two classes during my Master’s semesters since I’m simultaneously working as a full-time Research Assistant!

Spring 2024

  • 9.13 – The Human Brain
  • 6.011/6.3010 – Signals, Systems, and Inference
  • 6.869/6.8300 – Advances in Computer Vision (Grad)
  • 24.220 – Moral Psychology

Fall 2023

  • 9.660 – Computational Cognitive Science (Grad)
  • 9.58 – Projects in the Science of Intelligence
  • 6.806/6.8611 – Quantitative Methods for Natural Language Processing
  • 3.091 – Introduction to Solid-State Chemistry
  • DPI 207 – Philosophy of Technology: From Marx and Heidegger to AI, Genome Editing, and Geoengineering

This last class is actually a Harvard class! Cross-registering has been a really fun experience so far and I’m really glad I did so.

Spring 2023

  • 6.141/6.4200 – Robotics: Science and Systems
  • 6.003/6.3000 – Signal Processing
  • 6.004/6.1910 – Computation Structures
  • 9.40 – Introduction to Neural Computation
  • 11.001/4.250 – Introduction to Urban Design and Development

Fall 2022

  • 6.036/6.3900* – Introduction to Machine Learning
  • 6.034/6.4100 – Artificial Intelligence
  • 18.03 – Differential Equations
  • 9.17 – Systems Neuroscience Laboratory
  • EC.A790 – Engineering, Art and Design

*The EECS department decided to change all of their numberings, which is why you’ll see two numbers for course 6 classes on this list. The second number is the new system, the first is the old.

Spring 2022

  • 6.006/6.1210 – Introduction to Algorithms
  • 18.06 – Linear Algebra
  • 9.09/7.29 – Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology
  • 9.35 – Perception

IAP 2022

  • 6.148 – Web Lab: A Web Programming Class and Competition

Fall 2021

  • 9.01 – Introduction to Neuroscience
  • 6.042/6.1200 – Mathematics for Computer Science
  • 9.07 – Statistics for Brain and Cognitive Sciences
  • 21W.759 – Writing Science Fiction
  • 15.000 – Explorations in Management
  • MAS.A21 – Choosing Problems Wisely

Summer 2021

  • 24.133 – Experiential Ethics*
  • Machine Learning with Python by IBM (Coursera)

* In this class, we learned about ethical lenses and practiced applying them to various case studies in computing, engineering, and technology as a whole. I also created a video and infographics for the final project that you can find in projects.

Spring 2021

  • 6.08 – Interconnected and Embedded Systems
  • 14.01 – Principles of Microeconomics
  • 24.09 – Minds and Machines
  • 7.016 – Introductory Biology
  • 9.00 – Introduction to Psychological Sciences

IAP 2021

  • 6.S187 – Special Lab Subject in EE & CS*

* This is a program called codeforgood, where students are paired in teams with a nonprofit organization. I helped CovEducation develop their new website. Tools used: React, Jitsi Meet API, Firebase.

Fall 2020

  • 6.009/6.1010 – Fundamentals of Programming
  • 8.02 – Physics II
  • 18.02 – Calculus II
  • 24.06 – Bioethics
  • 7.00 – COVID-19, SARS-CoV2, and the Pandemic
  • 6.A51 – Prosody